
Angiography: best clinics in Austria

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Vienna General Hospital (AKH)

Vienna, Austria
1090 Wien, Währinger Gürtel 18-20
The Vienna Clinical Hospital (AKH for short from the German name "Allgemeines Krankenhaus der Stadt Wien") is an old medical institution… Read more
Reinhard Windhager
  • Orthopedics
Engelbert Knosp
  • Neurosurgery
Peter Husslein
  • Obstetrics and Gynecology
Gunther Laufer
  • Heart Surgery
Diagnostic Price
PET CT $1800 - $1880
MRI $1200 - $1500
Blood chemistry $400 - $650
CT (computed tomography) $700 - $900
Consultation of oncologist $300 - $400
Consultation with a surgeon $200 - $400
Comprehensive diagnosis of oncology $3000 - $5000
Biopsy revision with immunohistochemistry $300 - $700
Operation Price
Chemotherapy $1100 - $1700
Prostatectomy $18000 - $22000
Radiotherapy $2400 - $5800
Septoplasty $5000 - $5500
Radical thyroidectomy $14000 - $17000
Lobectomy (removal of a lobe of the lung) $20000 - $25000
Lung cancer surgery $20000 - $35000
Hip replacement $18000 - $22000
Reviews 4
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