How is breast cancer diagnosed at the Herzliya clinic?
Timely diagnosis can save the lives of breast cancer patients and significantly improve the effectiveness of treatment. In the Herzliya Medical Center, as in one of the best clinics in Israel, diagnosis is the first important stage after the patient's treatment.
Often patients, turning to domestic doctors, receive incorrect diagnoses, which becomes a dangerous barrier to effective treatment.
Therefore, the Herzliya clinic uses a thorough complex diagnostics:
- Consultation with a mammologist and oncologist;
- Blood test, including tumor markers;
- Mammography and ultrasound;
- Biopsy;
- MRI;
How much does breast cancer diagnosis cost at Herzliya Medical Center? Examination of the mammary gland to determine oncology is a whole complex of diagnostic procedures that are selected individually for each case. The price of such a set of examinations is also formed individually. The estimated cost of comprehensive diagnostics at the Herzliya Medical Center is from $ 4000. You can get an accurate diagnostic and treatment program with prices now !